Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Groove

I got an e-mail from a friend last week, wondering if I was ok since I hadn't sent out "becky's thoughts" in a couple of weeks.

I am ok, but I seem to have lost my "groove". Life has gotten busier and I haven't had time to sit and ponder things or pull my thoughts together. I can't seem to find a normal routine... yes I laugh as I say that! There is nothing normal about my life, never has been!

But a couple of things have thrown me off balance in the last 6 weeks. First was losing my Bible. No, I never found it. It should be an easy thing to just pick up another Bible (we have many in our house) and read... and actually I have done that. What has been difficult is putting my prayer life together without the lists and prompts I kept in my Bible. And it has been hard to take notes again, and even jotting down random thoughts is different. For one thing, I can never find a pen! I always kept pens in my Bible, and they were the ONLY pens that didn't get stolen off my desk. And then there is the problem of not being able to find passages in a different Bible. Yes the words are the same, but they are on different pages!

The other thing that has thrown me off is my new job. I am SO thankful for it and for my boss, but it has sucked 15 hours out of my week. Where is that going to come from? I still haven't figured that out yet.

But it is all coming together and life is adjusting. Hopefully by the end of January I will have found my routine with its new schedule and a different Bible, and will be back in my groove.

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