Friday, November 14, 2008


Last Sunday we had a missionary from Thailand speak to us in Sunday School and church. He said something that has stuck with me this week. He talked about how a new Believer in Thailand had gone from talking about "the Lord" to talking about "my Lord". I was reminded about the Old Testament stories where Isaac and later Jacob went from talking about "the God of my father" to "my God". I have always loved that moment of acknowledgment, or submission, or realization, when they accept the Lord as not just the God of the Universe, but their own God. There is an intimacy, an aspect of a personal relationship, that goes with that little word "my". As I have thought about it this week I have been reminded that He is "my" Lord, and I am "His" child, and I want to change my vocabulary to reflect that and remind me of it.

My Lord is good!

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