Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Knitting, Pass It Forward!

OK, today I am going to post something that some of you will find odd... but remember that I am such an odd person anyway you shouldn't be surprised! I have been learning to knit. My daughter got me started on it and I have had so much fun knitting... dishcloths. Yes, I hate doing dishes , but dishcloths are such quick projects and come in such a variety of patterns! Anyway, I am on a dishcloth yahoo group (which I will put a link to when I get a chance), and the talk there has been all about a PIF. That's a Pass It Forward.

It works like this. The first 3 people who respond to this post will get a hand made gift from me sometime in the next 365 days. No promises as to what the gift will be, or when! They agree to put a post on their own blog with the same offer. I signed up on http://tabithaknits.blogspot.com/ (which looks very interesting, BTW). So, who wants to participate?


Becky G said...

I don't want to do the PIF, but I think it's great that you are learning to knit. Next thing we need to do is to get you into Ravelry. Yes, there is a waiting list, but it only takes a couple of weeks to get in. Though you can't enter the site right now, you can take a virtual tour and view some screen shots. Stop by and check it out www.ravelry.com

becky said...

oh my, I looked at this and there is a whole world out there I didn't know about!

Anonymous said...

I don't qualify for the PIF because I don't have a blog, but if you ever have a contest for those of us with Blobs, let me know as there are several scattered around my house right now. I always enjoy reading your writing, Becky.

becky said...

LOL, we don't need to get into a blob contest! Cleaning house is at the very bottom of my "to do" list most of the time!