Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas, 2007!!

When December began, I knew there was no way we would be able to make it through the month. We are still in the hole from a financially difficult summer, and December has 2 1/2 weeks of unpaid "vacation"... my husband's students don't seem to want to take guitar lessons over holidays! So I toyed with the idea of getting a part-time temporary job just to get us through. But God seemed to be saying don't do it, and my husband definately preferred me not to, so I didn't. I did continue to pray.

Now, on Christmas Eve, I have to say that I have never been happier or more content than I am right now. I have never felt more loved or cared for. God has provided for our needs and even for our wants this month. We have presents under the tree, food in the kitchen and the freezer, the bills are paid. We have our family, our extended family, our church family, and I even have karate family, not to mention other friends. This season I have felt the love of God and of my friends and family like never before; maybe I am just more sensitive to it. I have also felt love for my family and friends like never before. Perhaps I am more able to love as well as being more aware of its presence.

This year, more than any year previous, I am aware that it is God who is Provider. One of God's descriptive names in the Old Testament is Jehovah Jirah, the Lord who provides. Truly this season I have seen Jehovah Jirah! He has even provided things I did not ask for, things I did not know to ask for, things I did not have the faith to ask for. God knows my needs before I do, and plans for them in advance. And not just material needs, but emotional and spiritual as well. He has provided my husband and children, my pastor and church, my sensei and karate brothers and sisters.

As we cook and eat, watch Christmas movies, bake cookies and make ornaments, give and receive gifts, read and reflect on the Christmas Story, play games and spend time with family and friends, I will continue to thank God, Jehovah Jirah, for all of it. The gift of His Son, the babe in the manger who grew up and went to the Cross, is so much more than I deserve. Yet God did not stop there; He has continued to provide material and spiritual blessings, heaped up, running over.

O Lord,
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

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