Wednesday, October 8, 2008



I choose to follow You –
Do something within me
that will enable me to follow You,
cause me to desire to follow You,
make me choose to follow You.

I choose to follow You –
Enable me,
Strengthen me,
Cause me to follow You.

I do not understand how my will and
Your Sovereignty exist together –
But I know that
I choose You only because You choose me.
I follow You only because You call me to follow You.
I love You only because You love me.

You stretch out Your hand toward me,
You cause my spirit to bend toward You.

You love me,
You call me,
You change me;
I respond to You.

I ask for more of This,
for more of You.
I ask for the changing of my will,
for the breaking of my will,
for the conforming of my will
to Yours –
It is not something I can do,
or even want,
on my own.
But something You must do
to me,
and through me,
and with me.
Rebecca A Givens, 09/2008

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