Monday, January 7, 2008

My Father

Oh God, my Father,

I don't just want to follow You,
or to just take commands and instructions from You.

I want to feel Your arms around me,
I want to see Your face,
to look into Your eyes.

I want to see You looking into my heart,
to see the tears in Your eyes over my pain,
to see the sorrow on Your face over my sin,
to see the love in Your heart in spite of what You have seen in me.

I want to walk with Your hand holding mine,
to trace the scars that are the signs of Your love for me.

I want to walk and skip and run along by Your side
as a child in her Father's care,
- holding Your scared hand
- held tight to Your pierced side
- in constant view of Your face
which looks on me with all the Joy and Love of a Father
who loves His child perfectly,
and delights in her presence.

For even while You are the Lord God, Creator, Sustainer, King, and Savior,
You are also my Father, Abba;
And I need You.

Rebecca A Givens, 01/06/07

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