Sunday, March 21, 2010

This Week's Gift

God is so good...

This last week he gave us a new roof...
He provided the money for the shingles in the form of an anonymous Lowe's gift card, and the money for the rest of it in a gift from my in laws.
He provided the labor in Wesley, Stan - friends like that are few indeed, #1 son Jacob, and me. Clean up help was the girls as well. We couldn't possibly have gotten through without them all.
Timing was perfect, money coinciding with Spring Break, so we were all off.
Weather was perfect the entire week, we finished the clean up just at dark Saturday, and the rain began during the night Sat night.
And poor tired bodies managed to not give out until the job was done.

All of it was a gift - materials, labor, weather - every bit of it came from God.
Including the fabulous feeling at the end, watching the rain fall outside, knowing it would stay dry inside!

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