Sunday, February 14, 2010


Christ ‘s eyes see me –
they see through me
and in me.

Christ’s strong arms
hold me close
to His chest.

He is Power and Strength;
to create,
to breathe life,
to sustain,
to resurrect.

Christ’s body carries the scent of
tears and sweat and
blood shed for me;
mingled with incense
spices and myrrh
that anoint His body.

In Christ I sense
His love for me.

I eat the bread He offers me,
and drink the cup He hands me;
They fill me
and strengthen me.
I breathe Him in,
He fills my senses.
It is intoxicating.

He takes my hand
to walk His path with Him,
to live His life with Him,
to love Him.


©Rebecca A Givens, 10/28/09

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