Thursday, February 21, 2008

My God is big enough...

God is big enough to handle me:
- my sin nature and my sin
- my emotions and my mind
- my conflict and my fight
- my past and my future
- my gifts and my thorns
- my pride and my humility
- my redemption and my sanctification
- my gains and my losses
- my anger and my love


Anonymous said...

Wow! This post looks so "brief" but it's depth is really sitting with me. I'm not sure which pair applies more to me right now, but I appreciate the post. I'll try to catch up with the others soon; they mean a lot to me.

Please pray for me. My faith is in a lull and I don't have the okay to cry until Monday (for my throat). --- I didn't thing that would be a big deal.... shrug.


becky said...

Hey Sunshine, I pray for you regularly. Hey, I lost your e-mail in the big crash. Shoot me an e-mail so I can save your address.